a picture of me

G Anatolie

Hi, I'm Tolea!

I'm a front-end developer

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About Me

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My Story:

My journey began in September 2022 when I decided to teach myself front-end development. What drew me to this field was the idea of creating something visually pleasing yet engaging and interactive for other people. Down the path, I realized that this feeling of accomplishment after surpassing the struggles and challenges while coding and bringing my ideas to life, is truly addictive. I guess "New Passion" unlocked.

My Details:

Languages I speak:

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript (ES6+)
  • React


  • Plant Home

    A front-end ecommerce demo website designed to mimic real ecommerce features like a shopping cart and product management.

  • Cooking inspirations

    An recipe search website, search a recipe by queries or filters and get yourself inspired for your next meal.

  • Quizz Time

    A fun quiz trivia website that tests your knowledge across various categories. Have fun!
